Monday, May 21, 2012

My daily sulk

I am between worlds.

I draw well enough that those who don't say "wow, you're really good,"
But poorly enough that artists say I am not one of them.

I am right-handed,
But I can use my left hand almost as well.

I am smarter than the majority,
But not smart enough to be a genius.

I am a Geek because I watch Anime and enjoy learning,
But I don't play video/computer games, play D&D, or watch Firefly.

I knit,
But I don't go to knitting groups anymore. 
(Because I am sick to death of hearing about your children and/or husband. And I will NOT make baby clothes. I hate children.)

I am female and I am comfortable with being female,
But I am not feminine. (Pink and ruffles make me want to vomit.)

I am 21,
But I hate parties (noise and crowds), dislike most alcohol, and dislike many people my own age. (The normal ones.)

I am an Aspie,
But I can see the Neurotypical point of view.

I'm straddling both sides of the same coin. I have one foot in one world, and one foot in the opposite. 

I float between the opposites, frequently running messages and translating for each other. I can never close my mind, because I don't have the luxury of being firmly on one side or the other. I pretend sometimes I can't see the other side, but I can.

It gets lonely, being neither one or the other. So I try to find other floaters for company. 

When I do, we have spirited debates, matching wits.

And now that I'm done pitying myself, I'll go do the studying I was avoiding.


  1. Hey! have you even given Firefly a chance??!! I'm sad that it was only one season!
    Glad to see you blogging on a semi-regular basis, it's giving me a better view of your life and what goes on inside of your head.
    Love and bear hugs,
    Granola :D

    1. Haven't seen Firefly. Once I have more time, I'll give it a shot.
