Saturday, October 8, 2011

The beginning.

Dear Reader,

This blog is going to be, as you might have guessed, about Asperger's Syndrome and the Autism Spectrum. However, I can't speak for everyone on the Austism Spectrum-- no one has elected me to do so. However, many times when I write about being an Aspie, (which is someone who has Asperger's Syndrome) those who read it say I should publish it. I don't have much written, so I can't write a book. I'd like to have a newspaper column, but first someone has to care about my opinion. (Besides, no one in my generation reads newspapers anyways.)

So, over a dinner discussion with my mother and a family friend, we came up with the idea of starting a blog. I can get my opinions out there, people can ask me about what my life is like as an Aspie, and hopefully, those who read this will walk away with a better understanding of Asperger's/Autism, or at least my version of it.

The reasons I think I'm qualified to blog about it are twofold:

1. As my mother always says, "everyone who has Asperger's is an expert on it." I live everyday with Asperger's, and ever since I was diagnosed, it has become a big part of my life. It changes everything, from my hobbies, to the kinds of friends I have, to what I like to wear. I don't know who I would be if I didn't have Asperger's-- since I don't know what it's like to be Neurologically Typical (the term for people not on the spectrum)-- but I know for a fact that I wouldn't be even close to the same person.

2. Everyone on the Spectrum that I have met has what NeuroTypicals (or NTs for short) call a "special interest". Mine happens to be writing. That's not unusual-- I know other Aspies who like to write -- but I've been told I have a unique and precious way with words that others have been unable to replicate. Maybe I don't -- it's not like I can say one way or the other -- but I am rare in that I can articulate myself quite well, considering that the cornerstone of Autism is a distinct difficulty in communication.

You may not agree with me, and you're entitled to. I could turn out to be a terrible spokesperson. But no one has yet learned to reliably say what the future holds, so why not give it a shot?

After I finish this post, I will post the two pieces I have written on my experiences with Asperger's, in separate blog posts. After reading them, you can send me questions at my Formspring account at (I'm going to check the link as soon as I finish this post.)

Additionally, my email address is: Other comments can be directed here.

That's all for now! I'm going to post my two pieces and peace out. (And eventually get some sleep.)

--An Aspie

P.S. The link works, but since you can't use the linking mechanism on the iPad, I just posted the link normally.


  1. I've read your blog and I personally think that it's great that you're out there expressing your opinion and certain facts about the way we aspies live our lifes. All of this specially since many aspies aren't really that good and sincretizing opinions and emotions like that.

    Keep doing what you like and what helps you, because eventualy others will like it and benefit from it too..

    1. Sorry about the late response, but thank you! It's so nice to hear words of encouragement. Knowing I made a difference in someone's life is what keeps me going.
