Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ways that I'm different from NeuroTypicals

Ways that I'm different from NeuroTypicals, by Ilsa Kasmar.

-I have trouble recalling auditory information, (i.e. When someone just tells me something, I forget it. By the same token, I sometimes forget what I have and have not told people.)
-I have little trouble recalling visual information. (I can play back entire movies in my head after seeing it about twice, and as long as it has been less than a week.)

-I can't gauge what's normal, since I can't base it on myself.
-I don't assume very much, because I accept that I don't always get it right.

-I sometimes have trouble understanding someone's point of view.
-I sometimes understand someone's point of view better than NTs.

-I sometimes miss things that NTs find obvious (usually social things).
-I sometimes notice things that NTs miss (usually inanimate object- or animal-related).

-Loud and sharp noises bother me.
-I can hear subtle differences in sounds. (I ALWAYS know when a note is sharp or flat, and if I know the original song very well or someone is singing along, I almost always know if they are doing it wrong.)

-Bright lights and colors bother me.
-If two colors don't work well with each other or look weird in a certain lighting, I will notice.

-I have a tendency to be a goody-two-shoes and a tattletale (AKA the Rules Police).
-When I see someone doing something wrong, I tell someone about it so it will stop.

-I can be blunt to the point of being insensitive.
-If you ask me something and want my honest opinion, you'll get it. 

-I can't watch the news because I always see something that upsets me.
-I don't get desensitized to violence and tragedy.

-I sometimes make connections that don't make sense to NTs.
-I sometimes make connections that an NT hadn't thought of.

-Sometimes my answers to a problem are stupid, convoluted, crazy, or just plain nonsensical.
-Sometimes my answers to a problem are brilliant, and/or brilliantly simple.

All of these differences have pros and cons. The only real difference is the application

I do want to change the world, and make it a better place. And really, something is only impossible until it's been done. Scientists once believed that the world was flat, after all.

All blog posts are copyright Ilsa Kasmar.

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