Sunday, December 30, 2012

I am moving the blog... Tomorrow.

Yes, the title is true- I am moving the blog to Tumblr... tomorrow. I meant to do it today but I had stuff I was doing, and I am too tired right now. I mostly know this because I kept trying to come up with a name for the new blog, and nothing fit right.

Once I have it set up (which will be easy as hell, god I love Tumblr) I will have my last post on this blog be the new web address. Though, come to think of it, I think I have one last thing to post before that.

That being said, it WILL have a different name, and it won't be Asperger-centric at all anymore. It'll just be about... Well, basically, whatever I want it to. Mostly Art & Geek stuff, is my bet.

I kind of started this as a way of explaining Asperger's to people. I wanted people to hear what it's like from the inside. That's why I called it Ask An Aspie-- if you want to know what Asperger's is like, ask an Aspie!

As Asperger's no longer exists, it kind of makes sense for me to kind of end this project.

Plus, I went through a personal change where I think I finally learned some things that... Well, you can read about it tomorrow. :)

When I have the link set up, feel free to track my new blog. It'll be a lot less "thoughts on Asperger's and Neurodiversity" and more "here's the status of my life/thoughts/this cool thing I found", but if you want to read about that stuff, then hooray!

However, this blog is NOT GETTING DELETED. It's going to stay up, sort of like a digital monument, that people might come and visit from time to time. It still has some good stuff in it, after all.

So, don't worry. The old stuff will stay here, and maybe I'll even update from time to time, when I have things to say about Autism.

But this is not going to be a main blog any more. That's what the NEW BLOG will be. (And I just realized I know what to name it. Ooh, this'll be fun.)

And on that note, I'm going to go bed before I pass out and/or start sleep-blogging. (if that ever happens, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE)

See you tomorrow!

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